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My Schedule for This Semester

From My Semi-Daily Journal...

National Review has web archives! You, too, can now learn what ex-Trot James Burnham has to teach us about the true nature of anti-McCarthyism: The McCarthy issue was used by the American Communists as their channel back into the stream of Popular Frontism. The Communists, in fact, invented the term "McCarthyism," and devised most of the ideology that went with it.... The liberals, on a roaring civil rights jag... lowered their guard and the Communists closed.... "[A]nti-McCarthyism" as a movement... was a united front, the broadest and most successful the Communists have ever catalyzed in this country.... What Wilmoore... ... continued on my Semi-Daily Journal page

Online C.V.

Subjects Covered on This Website:

Broad Topic Headings: Career | Information Economy | Economists | My Jobs | Multimedia | Other | Politics | Reviews | Students | Teaching | Writing

Narrow Subjects (searched out by google):

  • Adam Smith
  • Alternate History
  • Amazon
  • American Economic Policy
  • American Fiscal Policy
  • American Monetary Policy
  • America Peacetime Inflation
  • Animal Spirits and Investment
  • Asian Financial Crisis
  • Australian Economy
  • Iain Banks
  • Robert Barsky
  • Lloyd Bentsen
  • Alan Blinder
  • Book Reviews
  • The Bourgeoisie and the Working Class
  • Bretton Woods
  • David Brin
  • Great Britain
  • British Economy
  • British Industrial Revolution
  • Budget Deficit
  • Bull and Bear Markets
  • Arthur Burns
  • Business Administration 130
  • Business Cycle Symmetry
  • Business Cycles
  • C.V.
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model
  • Capital Flight
  • Capitalism and Socialism
  • Career of Brad DeLong
  • Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society
  • Changing Cyclical Variability
  • China
  • City Growth
  • Classical Liberalism
  • Bill Clinton
  • Commercial Revolution
  • Computers
  • Consciousness
  • Consumption
  • Convergence Club
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Deflation
  • Brad DeLong
  • Michael DeLong
  • Democratic Party
  • Destabilizing Price Flexibility
  • The Dog
  • Great Depression
  • Jared Diamond
  • Rudiger Dornbusch
  • E-conomy
  • Earned Income Tax Credit
  • East Asian Financial Crisis
  • Economic Development
  • Economic Growth
  • Economic History
  • Economic History Association
  • Economic History of America
  • Economic History of Europe
  • Economic History of the World
  • Economic History Seminar
  • Economic Policy
  • Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren
  • Economics 100b
  • Economics 101b
  • Economics 202a
  • Economics 202b
  • Economics 210a
  • Economics 210b
  • Economics 210c
  • Barbara Ehrenreich
  • Barry Eichengreen
  • The Employment Act of 1946
  • Equipment Investment and Economic Growth
  • Equity Premium
  • Estate Tax
  • Excess Stock Market Volatility
  • Federal Reserve
  • Finance
  • Financial Capitalism
  • Fiscal Policy
  • Stanley Fischer
  • Fisher Effect
  • Milton Friedman
  • Michael Froomkin
  • Free Trade and Protection
  • Globalization
  • Glorious Revolution
  • Gold Standard
  • Claudia Goldin
  • Gore and Bush
  • Graduate Students
  • Great Keynesian Boom
  • Alan Greenspan
  • Alexander Hamilton
  • Friedrich Hayek
  • Health Care Reform
  • History of Economic Thought
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Holocaust
  • Hyperinflation
  • Hypothesis Testing in Economics
  • IMF
  • Income Distribution
  • India
  • Industrial Revolution
  • Inflation
  • Information Economy
  • Intellectual Property
  • Intermediate Macroeconomics
  • International Capital Flows
  • International Finance
  • International Monetary Fund
  • International Monetary System
  • Internet Multimedia Education
  • Internet Revolution
  • Interwar Europe
  • Interwar Unemployment
  • Inventories
  • Investment
  • Thomas Jefferson
  • John Maynard Keynes
  • Keynesian Revolution
  • David Landes
  • Land Use Planning
  • Kevin Lang
  • Liquidation Cycles
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  • Ken MacLeod
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  • Greg Mankiw
  • Mao Zedong
  • Ann Marie Marciarille
  • Gianna Marciarille
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  • Karl Marx
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  • Mexican Financial Crisis
  • Microsoft
  • Minimum Wage
  • Monetarism
  • Monetary Policy
  • Monetary Policy Reaction Function
  • Moral Hazard
  • Multiplier
  • NBER
  • Neoliberalism
  • New Deal
  • New Economy
  • The New Endogenous Growth Theory
  • Noise Trader Risk
  • Noise Trading
  • William Nordhaus
  • North American Economy
  • PEIS
  • Peso Crisis
  • Phillips Curve
  • Politics
  • Positive Feedback Investment Strategies
  • President Clinton
  • Princes and Merchants
  • Prisoners Dilemma
  • Productivity Growth
  • Protestant Ethic
  • Quantity Theory of Money
  • Leopold von Ranke
  • Ronald Reagan
  • Reaganomics
  • Real GDP Growth
  • Really Existing Socialism
  • Republican Party
  • Relativity
  • Risk and Return
  • Robber Barons
  • Robert Rubin
  • Jeffrey Sachs
  • Seminole County, Florida
  • Andrei Shleifer
  • Robert Shiller
  • Robert Skidelsky
  • Slavery
  • Social Security
  • Social Theory
  • Social Welfare
  • Soviet Union
  • Speculative Microeconomics for Tomorrow
  • Gene Sperling
  • Josef Stalin
  • Stock Market Bubbles
  • Strategic Defense Initiative
  • Charlie Stross
  • Structural Adjustment Policies
  • Lawrence Summers
  • Tax Cuts
  • Teaching Economics
  • Technological Revolution
  • Terrorism
  • Tobacco
  • Tools For Thought
  • Treasury Department
  • Twentieth Century Economic History
  • Laura Tyson
  • Unemployment Rate
  • Unit Roots in Economic Time Series
  • Virtuality
  • Paul Volcker
  • University of California at Berkeley
  • Utopia
  • VAX
  • Voodoo Economics
  • Wage and Price Flexibility
  • Wage Stagnation
  • Robert Waldmann
  • Welfare Reform
  • Harry Dexter White
  • Working Poor
  • World Bank
  • World Income Distribution
  • World Trade Center
  • WWI
  • WWII

  • Books Worth Reading

    William Easterly, The Elusive Quest for Growth; what a look back at the history of attempts to jump-start economic development tells us...

    Other Books Worth Reading: Skidelsky on John Maynard Keynes, vols. I and II; the best biography I have read this decade. Guns, Germs, and Steel; must read book on the deep structure of human history; Code: The Hidden Language of Computers; best book on what computers are;

    Other Book Reviews

    My Activities...

       What I did in Washington (I worked on a remarkably large share of what the executive branch did between 1993 and 1995). Farewell to the Treasury (a speech I am proud of). Clinton Administration economic policy (remarkably successful--it's nice to see good luck reinforce skill for once).

       This spring I will be teaching Economics 210b: European Economic History for Graduate Students.
       In the past, I have also taught Introductory Finance, Twentieth Century Economic History, various flavors of Undergraduate Macroeconomics, various flavors of Graduate Macroeconomics, and Economic History for Graduate Students. Most of my past courses' websites remain in "ghost" form.
       On education: Jeff Zax on being a section leader. The job market for Ph.D. economists. In praise of economists. Welcoming our new graduate students.

         I'm writing an economic history of the twentieth century: Slouching Towards Utopia?: 20th Century Economic History.
       A complete list of what I have written (and gotten published, or at least that other people have cited). A list of what I have written and not published.
    Interesting Email messages I have written.
       Thoughts on the information economy: Questions on E-commerce, Comments on Electronic Commerce, Rules, New and Old, for the Network Economy, Microeconomics for Tomorrow's Economy, The Shock of the Virtual, How "New" Is Today's Economy?, Ka-ching!: the Amazon Associates Program, A Few Thoughts on "Virtuality".

    Maintain My Career
         My resume and one page biography. I am a Professor of Economics at the University of California at Berkeley. I am Co-Editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives. I am a Research Associate at the NBER. I am a Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. For a few months I wrote a monthly "Economic Scene" column for the New York Times; now I write a monthly column for Fortune. I used to be Deputy Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury for Economic Policy.

    Maintain This Site
       Create pdf files. Working Links. The banner at the top of each page in this website is a picture of Earth taken by the Galileo mission: Galileo's abjuration. A larger view of Earth from the Galileo mission. The ozone hole over the South Pole.


    Productivity Growth in the 2000s; some forecasts...
    Corporate Governance in Comparative Perspective; why are patterns of ownership and control so different across countries?
    Wrestling with AT&T; why vertically-integrated natural monopolies are bad...
    The International Financial Crises of the 1990s: Analytics; One of the important things missing from the syllabus of intermediate macroeconomics courses has been a clear, theoretically coherent, and comprehensible (to intermediate macroeconomics students) explanation of the international financial crises of the 1990s. So I have taken a crack at the job...
    Dealing with the Islamic Reformation; parallels between today and the sixteenth century...
    Online Macro; how does one build a website to help teachers teach and students learn? I don't know. But I am eager to try to figure this out...
    CITRIS Kickoff Talk; Berkeley and some of the other U.C. campuses are starting a Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society; I gave one of the kickoff talks...
    "The New Economy: Background, Questions, Speculations"; for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City's Jackson Hole conference...

    20th Century Economic History; the in-progress draft of my economic history of the 20th century; the Old Draft...
    The Next Economy?; why Adam Smith's advice may not be so good in the future...
    Defending Mexico's Rescue; why the IMF is good.
    The Shock of the Virtual; perhaps my most-cited essay...
    Bull and Bear Markets; the long-term logic of stock markets...
    Productivity, Convergence, and Welfare; how divergence--not convergence--is the big news in economic history...
    Noise Trader Risk; how irrational speculators can survive and grow in influence...
    Equipment Investment and Growth; since WWII, if you want to grow you had better invest heavily in equipment...
    J. P. Morgan; just what did he do for his clients to grow so rich?...

    Finance (Domestic and International):
    Noise Trader Risk (.pdf); why we shouldn't expect the stock market to be rational...
    East Asia in Historical Perspective; why the recent East Asian financial crisis was nothing new...
    Is the Stock Market Overvalued?; h*** yes!
    Did Morgan's Men Add Value? (.pdf); just how did J.P. Morgan get to be so rich?
    In Defense of Mexico's Rescue; why the IMF and global economic integration are good things...
    Bull and Bear Markets in the Twentieth Century; the long-term logic of the stock market...

    Information Economy:
    Tools for Thought; what's new about the new economy...
    Microeconomics for Tomorrow's Economy; why Adam Smith's advice may not be so good in the future...

    The Shock of the Virtual; how will the computer and communications revolutions change the way we live?...
    Ka-ching!: the Amazon Associates Program; Jeff Bezos uses human greed to pull his enterprise forward...
    New Economy Forum
    ; notes for yet another "new economy" meeting...

    Farewell to the Treasury; what I had to say when I stopped being a public servant...
    The Marshall Plan (.pdf); an extraordinary success, the axis on which late twentieth century history has turned...
    Where Did the Deficit Come From?; the decisive arguments for Reagan's responsibility for the deficit...
    Lessons from Kindergarten; California underfunds its schools...
    Deficit Reduction and the Short-Run Outlook; a historical document on the foundations of the Clinton administration economic program...

    Economic History:
    Slouching Towards Utopia: Old Draft; the economic history of the twentieth century...
    Thinking About Wealth and Poverty; David Landes's economic history of the world...
    Assessing Changing Business Cycle Volatility; is the business cycle less of a curse than it used to be?...
    Inventions in History; where have human technologies been invented?
    Equipment Investment and Economic Growth; the importance of machines for technological development...
    Productivity Growth, Convergence, and Welfare; the world is becoming a more unequal place...

    Business Cycles:
    Is Increased Price Flexibility Stabilizing? (.pdf); why more flexible prices may not be good...
    Keynesianism on Pennsylvania Avenue (.pdf); how Keynesianism came to America, and what happened...
    America's Peacetime Inflation: The 1970s (.pdf); why did America see such inflation in the 1970s?...

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